Day 9: 30 days of photographic memories

DAY 1: Your Face Book profile photo
DAY 2: A photo of yourself a year ago
DAY 3: A photo that makes you happy
DAY 4: A photo of the last place you went on holiday
DAY 5: A photo of you
DAY 6: A photo that makes you laugh
DAY 7: A photo of someone you love
DAY 8: A photo of your favorite band/musician

DAY 9: A photo of your family

This is most probably the latest COMPLETE family picture I have in my Face Book: Dad's birthday last April! ;p We seldom take pics (altogether) on random occasions *sigh*...The same as we seldom go on an out-of-town trips these days! We're still pretty tight as a family, but the crisis that stumped us years ago made us more thrifty, I think individually we go on our own trips abroad, and gimmicks with friends like dining out or watching a movie or two weekly!

That's my ultimate dream for the Gonzales family, which I always tell my closest friends: That we may be able to go out of the country again, or a beach trip! :) Just like during my childhood! :)


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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