Day 8: 30 days of photographic memories

day 2. a photo of yourself a year ago
day 3. a photo that makes you happy
day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday

day 8. a photo of your favourite band/musician:

I can't say I am the ultimate music lover, but I have my own reasons for loving a band, a singer, a song. I love the personal connection I establish with every song that I can relate to, every beat that consoled me during the "dark ages", and every line from the lyrics which spoke that which I can't put properly into words.

And the first band that came into mind that owns the slot "my favorite band/musician" is The Goo Goo Dolls. I once even placed "Anagon, the Goo Goo Doll" in one of my name tags, haha!

From the mainstream song Iris, to my long-time favorite Name, to Dizzy--where the line from my header came from, my favorite Goo Goo Dolls album is definitely Dizzy Up the Girl. I also love the song Slide! :D Next will be the album Gutterflower--with the songsBig Machine, Sympathy, and Here is Gone. These were released late 90s-early obviously, I was accompanied by the band since high school! :)

I think I don't have a CD/Downloads of the Gutterflower, then I realized I had it in cassette, haha! :D I miss the songs there! ;p "I'm torn in pieces, I'm blind and waiting for you"........ Hello Emo-Gon! ;p


Your turn! Always excited to read your comments! :)

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